Appetite Suppressant Buyer’s Guide (updated March 2025)

Braxton Labs Blood Sugar Ultra Review

Braxton Labs Blood Sugar Ultra focuses on controlling blood sugar as a means to suppress appetite and reach optimal health goals. We were very impressed with their goals and glad to see this manufacturer addressing the issue of blood sugar, as many appetite suppressants supplements do not acknowledge the importance of controlling blood sugar. Additionally, this product claims that its combination of 20 ingredients is the effective formula needed to stop hunger. We review whether or not there is real science to back their claims or if too many ingredients take away the efficacy of each other. 

The main ingredient which is responsible for controlling blood sugar is Gymnema Sylvestre. Research has shown that it works by blocking sugar receptors. By dulling the taste of sugar, it is thought that sugar is rendered not as tasty and therefore easier to give up. We are pleased to see the inclusion of this ingredient as many Americans find themselves addicted to sugar and unable to break their addiction on their own. While that is a very positive aspect of this product, we were slightly disappointed to see a very low dose of only 50mg.                

Additionally, we were pleased to see the inclusion of Cayenne Pepper as it is known to speed up metabolism, aid digestion and contribute to satiety.  

Furthermore, the addition of Chromium is key as it is shown to lower appetite. Unfortunately, the Chromium found here is not combined with Picolinate which increases its bioavailability and makes it much more effective.   

Finally, the ingredient which we always look for in any supplement, BioPerine, was sadly left out of this supplement. It always astounds us when this is neglected. This is proven to improve the efficacy of any ingredient in your body by increasing bioavailability. Why wouldn’t all supplement manufacturers include it then? That’s what we can’t figure out!

This combination is a great start for a good formula, however, we definitely feel that it could be much better if it included other key ingredients that have been clinically shown to help suppress appetite and increase satiety. The product advertises on its label that it contains 600 mg but actually, this is quite low when compared to other appetite suppressing products who offer much higher doses. 

Is Braxton Labs Blood Sugar Ultra Effective?

While ingredients should indicate how effective a supplement should be, the real proof is finding out what customers have to say. Sadly, there are no reviews listed on the product site. This tells us there aren’t many returning customers. We were able to find reviews elsewhere online and what we found was not extremely favorable. The great majority of customers said this product did not work at all. This is not entirely surprising as we found their ingredient list to be lacking.  

Is Braxton Labs Blood Sugar Ultra Safe?

In general, this product is marketed as natural and safe. We are pleased to report that this product is stimulant-free, which is not always the case with appetite suppressants. As with all nutritional supplements, we would definitely advise consulting with your health care provider before taking Braxton Labs Blood Sugar Ultra.  


Braxton Labs Blood Sugar Ultra began its formula on the right track with the inclusion of Gymnema Sylvestre to combat sugar cravings, although with a lower dose than we would have liked to see. The additions of Chromium and Cayenne Pepper also contribute positively to this product for suppressing appetite and feeling full. 

Unfortunately, many ingredients are missing from this product. We would liked to have seen more ingredients which target the hormones responsible for hunger and satiety (Leptin and Ghrelin). Another ingredient which is a rather important one is BioPerine. This increases bioavailability which means it takes ingredients and boosts their efficacy so that they work as best as possible in your body. We expect that supplements across the board, no matter which ailment they treat, will contain BioPerine. 

Additionally, while 600mg is prominently printed on the label of Braxton Labs Blood Sugar Ultra, we found that dose to be rather low when compared with other products we were reviewing.

We liked that the price tag isn’t so cheap it screams low quality, yet still affordable for those looking for appetite control. We also liked that discounts are available for customers who purchase more than one bottle. However, we were quite disappointed when we couldn’t find a mention of a money-back guarantee. This is a huge negative point for us as we’ve reached hundreds of products that do offer a money-back guarantee. Usually, when a manufacturer offers a quality guarantee, it is a very positive indicator of the efficacy of the product. When such a guarantee is missing, our eagerness to try a product plummets considerably.

The final point we noted was the lack of positive customer reviews. For a company to not have even one review on its product site is not a good indicator for us. While there are other products that would be a more powerful appetite suppressant, we do think that because this company manufactures many quality products, it is a redeeming feature. We feel that this product was almost there but would need a few tweaks to reach our prime position. 


What You’ll Discover:

Which Appetite Suppressant is the BEST BUY and comes with a great GUARANTEE!
Which formula and ingredients are the most EFFECTIVE and work the fastest?
How NOT to get ripped off! BE AWARE of poor quality and cheap products.

The Top 6 Items to Consider:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cost Per Serving
  3. Product’s Testing Results
  4. Company’s Reputation
  5. Consumer Reviews
  6. Return Policy & Satisfaction Guarantee

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